Orphan Girl’s Education


I would like to share with you a very urgent need for our Girl’s Orphanage in Haiti. We are caring for 4 separate Children Homes and an Elderly Widows Home. In our Girls’ Home we currently house 48 girls. With God’s help, we do our best to educate, equip and empower them before going out of the Orphanage back to society.

Grace International Inc. Girl’s Orphanage – Girl’s in School Uniform


Several of our girls have been sent home and others already were alerted to be dismissed from school due to non-payment of their tuition for the rest of the school year. It is imperative we pay for their school as soon as possible to prevent them from missing too many classes, failing their exams and ending up losing the whole school year. Education is the most effective vehicle out of Poverty as it paves the way to a positive future for the country as a whole. We humbly solicit your help in investing in the lives of the least fortunate among us.

If you can make a miracle happen in meeting this Urgent Need for one or more of these students, it will be an unforgettable gift to all of us. We pray and believe your passion and generosity will be greatly rewarded.

The various options to contribute are: Online- visit www.graceintl.org all gifts are Tax deductible.

Grace International, Inc. is a Nationally ECFA accredited non-profit (501) (c) (3) Christian Organization registered in the State of Florida, with the Island of Haiti being our main focus for forty-two (42) years of great ministries and great accomplishments for the Kingdom of God. These include churches, schools, orphan homes, elderly widows home, children’s feeding program of “The Lord’s Kitchen”, medical ministry and sustainable communities. Please visit our website www.graceintl.org for further information, or contact us at 305-231-1117.

Grace International